Question: Confidentiality. Can I be assured what I share with you is kept confidentially between us and no others ?
Answer: YES Absolutely . In addition I do not keep any records of any pastoral engagements.
Question: Where could we meet up?
Answer: Wherever you desire . I am happy to meet you at my home or yours , at a coffee shop, in a park or wherever you feel comfortable. I’m also happy to meet on Skype ( video conference) if a face to face meeting is not suitable or practical.
Question: I am not very religious. Does that matter?
Answer: I respect people wherever they are at, irrespective of their beliefs or practices. I wont “Bible bash” you, nor try to “convert” you, but rather will assist you with information and perspectives on life issues, from which you can make informed choices.
Question: Are there fees involved for your services?
Answer: There are no fees asked for or involved for any services I provide. But should you find my assistance valuable to you , I would welcome you making a donation to support the humanitarian work I assist with in East Timor.
Question: Who do you work for in this ministry?
Answer: At this stage of my life I am now a self funded retiree and a volunteer in ministry . I am a Deacon of the Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane, and in terms of professional standards I am accountable to the Archbishop of Brisbane. However I am not an employee of the church , nor do I attract any remuneration from the church. I regard myself as working for God and humanity !